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ICTR Registrar Re-appointed by the Secretary-General for a Third Term

Upon the recommendation of the President of the Tribunal, Sir Dennis C. M. Byron, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, has re-appointed Mr. Adama Dieng as Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) for a third term of four years commencing in March 2009, or until the completion of the work of the Tribunal, if sooner. According... more

Rukundo Sentenced To 25 Years Imprisonment

Trial Chamber II today sentenced Emmanuel Rukundo former Military Captain in the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) to twenty five years imprisonment. Credit shall be given to him for time spent in prison. The Trial Chamber II composed of Judges Joseph Asoka Nihal de Silva Presiding; Taghrid Hikmet and Seon Ki Park found Rukundo guilty of genocide, murder as a crime against humanity... more

Continuous Support to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for the international community to never forget and never stop working to prevent genocide and pledged continuous support to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The Secretary-General said that the achievements of the Tribunal will greatly contribute to the process of national reconciliation in Rwanda and... more

ICTR Opens Two More Information Centres in Rwanda

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow, accompanied by the Head of the European Commission Delegation to Rwanda, Ambassador David Macrae on Tuesday 18 February and Friday 20 February 2009, inaugurated two more information centres in Nyamagabe and Muhanga Districts in the Southern Province. The first one to be... more

Trial of Nshogoza Commences

The trial of Léonidas Nshogoza, who is charged with contempt of the Tribunal and attempt to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal began today before Trial Chamber III composed of Judges Khalida R. Khan, Presiding, Lee G. Muthoga and Judge Aydin Akay. Nshogoza was former investigator for the Defence during the trial of Prosecutor v. Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda. In its... more

Appeals Chamber Confirms François Karera’s Sentence

The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) today confirmed François Karera’s sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of his life. On 7 December 2007, Trial Chamber I found Karera guilty of genocide and extermination and murder as crimes against humanity, for his participation in the killing of Tutsis in Nyamirambo sector (Kigali-Ville... more

Three New Ad Litem Judges Join Tribunal

Three new ad litem judges appointed by the United Nations Secretary General to the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda have already reported for work in Arusha, Tanzania. The three are Judge Joseph Masanche (Tanzania) who was sworn in on 12 January 2009 during a ceremony witnessed by the Registrar Mr. Adama Dieng, representing the UN Secretary General. The swearing-... more

Protais Zigiranyirazo Sentenced to 20 Years Imprisonment

Trial Chamber III composed of Judges Inés Mónica Weinberg de Roca, Khalida Rachid Khan and Lee Gacuiga Muthoga, on Thursday 18 December 2008, convicted Protais Zigiranyirazo of genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity and sentenced him to 20 years imprisonment. Credit was given to him for time spent in prison. The Trial Chamber however acquitted him of conspiracy... more

Bagosora, Ntabakuze and Nsengiyumva given life sentences; Kabiligi acquitted

Trial Chamber I today rendered judgement in the “Military I” case involving four senior officers of the Rwandan army in 1994: Colonel Théoneste Bagosora, Director of Cabinet in the Rwandan Ministry of Defence; General Gratien Kabiligi, head of the military operations bureau (G-3) of the army general staff; Major Aloys Ntabakuze, commander of the Para Commando Battalion; and... more

Roundtable Discussion on International Cooperation

The Prosecutors of the ICTR, ICTY, SCSL, ECCC, ICC and representatives from national prosecuting authorities, NGOs and civil society met in Arusha, Tanzania from 26 – 28  November 2008. Together they renew their commitment to actively collaborate with one another to ensure that there are no gaps in the struggle against impunity, that no safe havens remain for suspects of... more