The Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim today 2 December 1999 visited the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and expressed the OAU=s full support for its work. Dr. Salim said the Tribunal was playing an important role in contributing to the process of national reconciliation in Rwanda apart from being a strong and clear international response to the culture of impunity in this region and in the world.
Dr. Salim held talks with the President of the Tribunal Judge Navanethem Pillay and other judges and senior officials during which he was briefed on the work of the Tribunal.
Speaking to members of the press the OAU Secretary General said that he was aware of the current difficulties in the relationship between the Rwanda government and the Tribunal. He said he understood Rwanda=s outrage, at the decision to annul the indictment against Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza, but called for Rwanda=s full cooperation with the Tribunal.
Dr. Salim added that cooperation between the Tribunal and the Rwanda government was vital to the work of Tribunal, which was relevant, now and in future, not only to Rwanda but to the whole continent of Africa and beyond.
Prosecutor Files Request for Review of Decision in Bayaragwiza Case
The Prosecutor Ms. Carla Del Ponte has filed a brief in support of her motion for the review of the Appeals Chamber Decision of 3 November 1999 in the case of Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza vs. The Prosecutor.
The brief, filed on 1 December 1999, follows the Order of the Appeals Chamber of 25 November 1999 that the release of the accused be stayed for a maximum of seven days, pending the filing of the Prosecutor=s request for a review of the Decision.