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Prosecution Closes its Case in the Trial of Jean Mpambara

The Prosecution closed its case on 29 September 2005 in the trial of Jean Mpambara, the former bourgmestre of Rukara commune in Kibungo prefecture. Mpambara is charged with three counts of genocide and crimes against humanity based on his alleged role in April 1994 in organizing and executing the killings which occurred in Rukara commune, including at Gahini Hospital and Rukara Parish. The Accused has pleaded not guilty to these crimes.

The trial opened on 19 September 2005 before Trial Chamber I, composed of Judges Jai Ram Reddy of Fiji (presiding), Sergei Alekseevich Egorov of Russia, and Flavia Lattanzi of Italy. The Chamber heard ten Prosecution witnesses over eight days, making it one of the fastest Prosecution cases in the history of the Tribunal. The Defence will present its case in January 2006.

Jean Mpambara was arrested at a refugee camp in northern Tanzania on 20 June 2001. He is represented by Arthur Vercken and Vincent Courcelle-Labrousse of France. The Prosecution is headed by Richard Karegyesa of Uganda.

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