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ICTR’s Annual Report Presented to the General Assembly

On Monday 09 October 2006, Judge Erik Møse, President of the ICTR presented the eleventh annual report to the General Assembly. Since the last report, the Trial Chambers have delivered six new judgements and another case is nearing judgement. So far, judgements have been rendered or trials are on-going in respect to a total of fifty-six accused.

The President informed the General Assembly that the five multi-accused trials, which are the Military I, Military II, Butare, Government and Karemera et al. cases, are the main challenge to the Tribunal in regards to their volume, complexity and time frame allocated to complete the trials. He requested the extension of the term of office for ad litem judges that would provide the Tribunal with stability and effective planning of trials. Judge Møse was pleased to inform the General Assembly that the ICTR was on schedule to complete cases by the end of 2008, as envisaged by the Completion Strategy.

President Møse asked member States to contribute to the ICTR by accepting transfer of trials to their jurisdiction and by arresting indictees at large. In order to respect the time-frames laid down by the Security Council, the Tribunal must continue to receive the necessary resources.

For information only - Not an official document

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