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United Nations Extends Term of Office of ICTR Judges

The Security Council of the United Nations on 7 July 2009 extended the term of office of six permanent judges of the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda until 31 December 2010, or until the completion of the cases to which they were or will be assigned if sooner. The Council also extended until the same date the term of office of 11 ad litem judges.

Urging the Tribunal to take all possible measures to complete its work expeditiously, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1878 (2009), tabled by Austria, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, stressing that it did so without setting a precedent.

The Council also decided, among other things, that two judges (Judge Joseph Asoka Nihal de Silva from Sri Lanka and Judge Emile Francis Short from Ghana) might work part-time and engage in another judicial occupation of independent status in their home countries during the remainder of their terms of office.

Expressing its expectation that the extension of the term of office of judges would contribute towards the implementation of the Tribunal's completion strategy, the Council further decided to review the extension of the term of office of the permanent judges who were members of the Appeals Chamber by 31 December 2009.

On 4 June 2009 the President of the Tribunal Judge Dennis Byron, and Prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow, as well as Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting of Austria, Chairman of the Council's informal working group on the International Tribunals, briefed the Council about the Tribunal’s Completion Strategy.

The permanent judges whose term of office was extended, and who are also members of the Trial Chambers, are Charles Michael Dennis Byron (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Joseph Asoka Nihal de Silva (Sri Lanka), Khalida Rachid Khan (Pakistan), Arlette Ramaroson (Madagascar), and William H. Sekule (United Republic of Tanzania). The Council also decided that the term of office of the permanent judge appointed to replace Sergei Aleckseevich Egorov (Russian Federation) shall extend until 31 December 2010, or until the completion of the cases to which he or she will be assigned if sooner.

Ad litem judges, whose term of service was extended are; Aydin Sefa Akay (Turkey), Florence Rita Arrey (Cameroon), Solomy Balungi Bossa (Uganda), Taghrid Hikmet (Jordan), Vagn Joensen (Denmark), Gberdao Gustave Kam (Burkina Faso), Joseph Edward Chiondo Masanche (United Republic of Tanzania), Lee Gacugia Muthoga (Kenya), Seon Ki Park (Republic of Korea), Mparany Mamy Richard Rajohnson (Madagascar) and Emile Francis Short (Ghana).

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