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Tribunal Trains Rwanda Witness Protection Officers

A three-day training workshop of Rwanda Witness Protection Officers organised by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda began in Arusha today. The workshop which brings together thirty five officials from Rwanda and the Tribunal will also familiarise the Rwandan officials on the ICTR Witness Protection Programme.

The workshop is part of the Cooperation and Capacity Building Programme being undertaken by the Tribunal to assist Rwanda develop a system which would enable its witness protection programmes to adapt to local dynamics and realities on the ground.

This assistance was requested for by the Rwanda Government in its efforts to rehabilitate and strengthen the capacity of its justice sector.

Several professional papers on the role and management of witnesses and the importance of their protection will be presented at the workshop which is facilitated by the Witnesses and Victims Support Section (WVSS) of the Tribunal.

For information only - Not an official document

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