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Two accused transferred to Arusha

Aloys Simba, former Lieutenant Colonel in the Rwandan Armed Forces, and Paul Bisengimana, former Bourgmestre of Gikoro, Kigali-Rural, were on 11 March 2002 transferred to the UN Detention Facility in Arusha from West Africa. They were arrested at the request of the Tribunal. The two are expected to appear separately before a Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to answer charges of being involved in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

Aloys Simba was transferred from Senegal where he was detained after being arrested on 27 November 2001, and Paul Bisengimana was transferred from Mali where he was arrested and detained since 4 December 2001.

Simba is charged with four counts of genocide or in the alternative complicity in genocide and crimes against humanity for murder and extermination. He is alleged to have committed the crimes in Gikongoro and Butare prefectures.

Bisengimana is charged with twelve counts of genocide or in the alternative complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, crimes against humanity for murder, extermination, rape, torture and other inhumane acts, and violations of the Geneva Conventions. The charges include allegations that he planned and participated in killings, rape and torture of Tutsis and other moderate Hutus in Bicumbi and Gikoro communes.

Public Judicial Records Database Now on ICTR Website

All public judicial records of the Tribunal in electronic format are now available on the ICTR’s web-based database This will enable anybody anywhere in the world with Internet access and Internet Explorer 5 (or higher) to conduct research of the database.

The database holds all the public (non-confidential) judicial records of the Tribunal, such as indictments, motions, responses, decisions, transcripts and judgements.

For information only - Not an official document

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