Juvénal Rugambarara, the former Bourgmestre of Bicumbi commune, Kigali Rural prefecture was today, 13 August 2003, transferred from the Republic of Uganda to the Tribunal in Arusha, Tanzania to answer charges linking him to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The accused is being held at the UN detention facility.
Rugambarara faces nine charges before the ICTR: genocide or in the alternative complicity to commit genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, three counts of crimes against humanity, and two counts of serious violations of the Geneva Conventions.
The accused, who was born in Musasa or Tare commune in Kigali Rural prefecture, is a physician by profession, and practiced at the Bicumbi Communal Health Centre. He was a well-known and influential person who in 1993 became Bourgmestre of Bicumbi commune, Kigali Rural prefecture.
Rugambarara is alleged to have ordered, instigated, encouraged, aided and abetted the preparation and execution of the crimes against Tutsis in Bicumbi commune, Kigali Rural prefecture.
Duty counsel is being duly assigned to assist the accused, who will make his initial appearance before a Judge of the Tribunal on Friday, 15 August 2003. Rugambarara’s arrest brings to 56 the number of people currently in the Tribunal’s custody.