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Joint trial of Clement Kayishema and Obed Ruzindana to resume on Monday 11 May 1998

The joint trial of Clement Kayishema and Obed Ruzindana will resume on Monday, 11 May 1998 before Trial Chamber 2 with presentation of defence witnesses.

The trial which begun on 9 April 1997 was adjourned on 13 March 1998 after 53 prosecution witnesses completed their presentation. The two accused are charged with Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Violations of Article 3 Common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II.


Rutaganda Trial may resume after 20 May 1998

A medical practitioner has recommended that accused George Anderson Nderubumbwe Rutaganda, who has been facing health problems, should rest for a further two weeks, until 20 May 1998, before he resumes appearance in Court, depending on the stability of his condition. The trial was postponed on 16 April 1998 due to Rutaganda's ill health.

Rutaganda's trial is before Trial Chamber 1. He is charged with Genocide, Crimes against humanity, and Violations of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions.

For information only - Not an official document

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